While on "Fox &a Friends" with Abby Hunstmans, Republican political analyst Gianno Caldwell and Democratic political analyst Wendy Osefo tearfully spoke about President Trump's failure to address race and his betrayal of the "conscience of our country." What was intended to be a debate turned into an emotional conversation on the conservative network.

In discussing the rallies and violence taking place over the take down of pro-Confederacy monuments, Osefo stated, “It’s beyond a monument. This is about hatred. This is about white supremacy." She continues to say:

"To have Heather Heyer killed on U.S. soil by Nazis, Deandre Harris beaten and bludgeoned by Nazis...This is not partisanship. This is human life. As a mother, to hear the president of these United States not sit here and condemn what has happened, as a black woman of two black boys, my heart bleeds. This is not talking points. This is personal. We as a nation, as a country, have to do better.

While Caldwell nodded on in agreement, the host Huntsman disengaged with the statements and presented Trump's idea that there are good people on both sides. She even asked. “How do we move forward and learn from those mistakes if we tear everything down?”

Caldwell went on to make this moving statement:

"The very moral fabric in which we have made progress when it comes to race relations in America... He’s failed us. And it’s very unfortunate that our president would say things like he did in that press conference yesterday when he says, “tthere are good people on the side of the Nazis. They weren’t all Nazis and they weren’t all white supremacists.” Mr. President, good people don’t pal around with Nazis and white supremacists. Maybe they don’t consider themselves white supremacists and Nazis; certainly they hold those views. This has become very troubling. And for anyone to come on any network and defend what President Trump did and said at that press conference yesterday is completely lost and the potential to be morally bankrupt. I’m sorry, no, I believe that and I’m being very honest as one who has been talking about these issues for a very long time. I’m sorry that this is where we are right now. I hope the president learns a lesson from his press conference on yesterday. It’s disturbing."

While Caldwell spoke, he and Osefo were visibly distraught and holding back tears. However, Huntsman would not acknowledge the gravity of the discussion or the wrongdoings of the President in the situation.

Source: huffingtonpost.com