Pot smokers lined street throughout the Las Vegas area and made history on Saturday, July 1, as Nevada's earliest consumers of legal marijuana in the state. In following through with a law approved to legalize the drug back in November, business selling the product opened their doors prepared for the first day it was scheduled to hit the market for recreational use.

As of Friday, 44 dispensaries were licensed to sell with 39 of those located in and around Vegas. Adults age 21 and over may now purchase up to one ounce of bud or one-eighth of an ounce in edible form. However, consumers must be vigilant of where they choose to enjoy the vice, as using it in public remains a violation and will incur a fine of $600. As it stands marijuana may only be used in private homes.

Over the next two years the state is expected to generate up to $60 million in tax revenue thanks to legalization. Nevada is the fifth state to allow the sale of marijuana for recreational use.

Source: youtube.com