Spice 1 speaks about the evolution of gang culture from the 1990s to the present. He discusses how gangs, specifically within Los Angeles, operate differently today as they once did. According to Spice 1, this is due in large part to the multicultural makeup of Los Angeles. Meaning that the perception of gang culture in Los Angeles only involving Bloods and Crips doesn't give the full scope. Spice 1 speaks about the Asian, and Latino gangs that are much apart of L.A.'s gang scene as the Bloods and Crips. He also went on to discuss an episode that occurred in Milwaukee where he and 2Pac found themselves in a confrontation with Gangster Disciplines. As Spice 1 tells it, 2Pac confronted some members of the Gangster Disciples after learning that they allowed an 8-year-old member to shoot and kill a 7-year-old Vice Lord. Spice 1 spoke about Pac's anger regarding the situation and also advised gang members to avoid making decisions for those too young to understand the consequences of their actions.