Trevor Noah took time out during the Daily Show to address the controversial verdict in the Philando Castile police shooting case on Monday night, June 19. Noah concluded his humorous "Ain't Nobody Got Time For That" segment by touching on the serious note with a statement that focused on the continued injustice Black Americans face at the hands of police violence, and put a spotlight on the NRA and the American people for their silence on the killings of unarmed civilians.

“Philando Castile wasn’t just a man shot at a traffic stop. He was a legal gun owner whose family was in the car and who had committed no crime,” said Noah. “There’s a group you would expect would be losing their goddamned minds about this: the NRA...For some strange reason, on this particular case, they’ve been completely silent. And yet, according to their rhetoric, this is everything that they stand against, right?

The discussion was a shift from Noah's lampooning of President Trump over his reversal on Obama's Cuba policy, and his lawyer's charade. The nation continues to deal with the emotional strain that officer Jeronimo Yanez's acquittal has brought about, only weeks after the officer who killed Terence Crutcher in Tulsa walked free. The two verdicts come nearly one year after the shootings of Alton Sterling and Castile sparked a nationwide uprising that laid the grounds for the Colin Kaepernick protest and protests to follow to build momentum off of.
