Here is one you probably have never seen before.

Kuwaiti customs have captured a homing pigeon carrying about 200 ecstasy pills. If a homing pigeon sounds like a relic from a time long ago, that is because it is.

These smart little creatures were trained in the past, like during World War I, to carry messages up to 100 miles. There is one famous story from 1918, of a homing pigeon named Cher Ami. She was shot, blinded and had nearly one leg missing, but managed to deliver a message 25 miles that saved about 200 men of the 77th Infantry Division. She is in the Smithsonian Museum now.

Back to 2017. According to, Kuwaiti customs caught the pigeon “above a building near the customs’ department.” They began tracking the bird as it was flying in from Iraq. Upon grabbing the smuggler, they discovered a makeshift "backpack" attached to the pigeon’s back which contained the illegal pills. Cleverly, the little "backpack" seemed to be part of the bird’s feathers, which would make it hard to detect had they not been looking for it.

The method is unorthodox, but as per the, they have been used before. In 2015, Costa Rican prison guards intercepted a pigeon carrying cocaine and marijuana into the jail for inmates, according to the

Drug dealers have used other curious tactics in the past to smuggle drugs. As per, Kinder Eggs and even catapults in Mexico have been tried. In addition to Kinder Eggs, bananas have also been used to smuggle narcotics.
