It looks like Sahbabii has some words for Offset after dissing upside down chains. In the recently deleted post on his Instagram, Sahbabii says:

"I created this ideology for seeking the truth. I had this mindset since a young boy. I stand strong behind this and will kill for it. Book coming soon!! Unknownism - accepting the fact of not knowing if all this bullsh*t they tell us is true. 666 6 protons, 6 electrons, and 6 neutrons. THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH SAINT PETER. Unknownism is life sorry we are open minded and don't follow the wave and believe in bulls**t that hasn't been proving. Much love to my unknowns #666™"

Does Sahbabii have a point? Is it ok to embrace traditional Satanic culture? Are you going to buy his book when it drops? Let us know.
