Update: the leak is no longer available due to a copyright claim.

Martin Shkreli has once again come through with an exclusive. The fallen pharma exec recently surprised visitors of his live stream by sharing more songs from the original Carter V album, including a track featuring the hottest rapper in the game.

Fans of Lil Wayne who have long anticipated Weezy's return will recall Shkreli leaking a track off of the album just before Christmas. Then in January, it was reported that Shkreli was pursued by members of Wayne's camp and that he had promised to refrain from putting anything else out. It appears as though Shkreli is not willing to drag out the release as long as Cash Money is, as he's returned with not one, but two new tracks.

Followers of Shkreli's stream got to hear a snippet from a song called "The Life of Carter," and they got an early glimpse at what promises to be an enormous hit, in "Mona Lisa," which showcases a Lil Wayne and Kendrick Lamar collaboration. If nothing else, fans now know what's down the pike if Cash Money/ Young Money ever get it together.

Source: youtube.com