Donald Trump's go-to when it comes to deriding Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren is her claim of Native American ancestry that has been mocked by her opposition over the years. There were numerous occasions during the 2016 election season, in which he shot Warren's defense of Hillary Clinton down by alluding to her as "Pocahontas." While many have publicly questioned the intelligence behind casually throwing the derogatory reference around, Trump has carried on, getting chuckles from supporters and provoking less than humored responses from Warren.

On Friday, April 28, President Trump again called Warren out her name, while speaking before a crowd of NRA members in Atlanta. He did so while using a fear tactic to spook the crowd into fathoming Warren being his possible successor, stating "it may be Pocahontas," who takes office next and reminding those in attendance that "She is not big on the NRA."

Warren has been receiving flack about her identity since 2012 when during her run for the Mass. senate seat, opponent Scott Brown accused her of simply listing herself as Native American to gain advantages throughout her educational, professional and political career. Warren has defended that she was raised to embrace her Native American roots by her parents, and thus openly claims such, so that she may identify with the greater Native American community/society.
