Sean Spicer's reference to Adolf Hitler and claim that the Nazi tyrant didn't go so far as to use chemical weapons, while chastising Syrian President Bashar Assad on Tuesday, April 11, quickly engulfed him in controversy, with calls for his termination coming from U.S. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi and other members of government. By day's end, even the Anne Frank Center for Mutual Respect was calling for him to go.

Calling Spicer's daily briefing remarks "the most evil slur upon a group of people we have ever heard from a White House press secretary," the Anne Frank Center's executive director Steven Goldstein released a statement via Facebook, in which he accused the press secretary of having chosen Passover to engage in Holocaust denial, and demanded that President Trump fire him immediately.

Historical accounts document that Hitler actually gassed up to 3 million of the estimated 6 million Jews he is believed to have waged genocide against. Spicer visibly struggled to rectify for his statement when later challenged about his assertion, stumbling over his words and leaving reporters puzzled when he referred to the Nazi concentration camps as "Holocaust centers." During a CNN interview that followed, Spicer apologized for the gaffe. "I mistakenly used an inappropriate and insensitive reference to the Holocaust, for which frankly there is no comparison. And for that I apologize, it was a mistake to do that," he said.
