Trevor Noah dedicated part of his current events rundown on The Daily Show to cover The Blaze's recent suspension of Tomi Lahren on Tuesday, March 21. Noah, who famously invited the firebrand conservative host on to his show, to the disapproval of many of his liberal fans back in November, spoke in Lahren's defense on the matter, slamming her network producers for imposing the punishment. But he first applauded Lahren for standing for her beliefs, even if it is sometimes difficult to decipher what those beliefs are.

"Like what the hell, she's like Busta Rhyme's reincarnated. Who is this person? Who is, like, how do you hear what she's saying?" Noah said, after reviewing The View segment during which Lahren openly proclaimed the pro-choice stance that would get her in trouble with supporters. Noah has attempted to push for his followers to tolerate a free flowing dialogue with people whose views differ from their own, advocating that among the many contrasts there are also comparisons and areas of agreement. With her women's reproduction politics aligning alongside that of he and his base, Noah aimed his criticism at her bosses, but was straight up about only being able to go so far in fighting for her.

"I was offended by the hypocrisy. I was so offended, that I wanted to protest it," said Noah. "Unfortunately there is no type of Black people protest that Tomi is comfortable with, so uh, I guess we should just move on."
