The House Republican plan to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act would result in 24 million more Americans without health insurance, according to the official report released by the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office.

House Republicans had been preparing for a bleak diagnosis from the CBO; their plan, the American Health Care Act, already faces widespread criticism from health care providers, far right and some moderate Republicans, and a united Democratic opposition.

On the campaign trail and in office, President Trump promised to provide universal health care--a promise at odds ideologically with many conservative lawmakers who believe citizens are not entitled to government-provided healthcare.

The Trump administration immediately denounced the CBO's report. “We disagree strenuously with the report that was put out," Tom Price, the secretary of health and human services, said Monday.

But Democrats used the CBO report to solidify their opposition to the Republican plan. “The C.B.O. score shows just how empty the president’s promises, that everyone will be covered and costs will go down, have been,” said Senator Chuck Schumer of New York. “This should be a looming stop sign for the Republicans’ repeal effort.”
