House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi recently offered a scathing review of Donald Trump's first month in office, noting that the new president, "Has no jobs bill, so he has to talk about transgender kids in school...He has to have a ban on Muslims entering the United States. All this is a deflection from the fact that he has done nothing."

Responding to Pelosi on Fox & Friends, Trump claimed that Pelosi was "incompetent," before delving into a somewhat more alarming analysis of the American political party system. "If you look at what's going on with the Democrats and the party, it's getting smaller and smaller. In a certain way, I hate to see it because I like a two-party system, and we're soon going to have a one-party system."

It's difficult, however, to imagine the United States resorting to a one-party system: the American electorate, between 1992 and 2016, has become distinctly bifurcated, with 48% percent of voters identifying as Democratic and 44% identifying as Republican.
