According to NY Daily News, an interracial couple in Conneticut has been fined by the city of Stamford for failing to remove racial slurs put on their home by vandals. Heather Lindsay, who is white, and Lexene Charles, who is black, reported that their home was spray painted with the n-word on their garage door during Martin Luther King Jr. weekend. Lindsay told the Stamford Advocate that she is not taking down the racial slur from her garage door until the authorities attempt to "do their job" and not try to "cover it up and sweep it under the table as they have done in the past." Because of that, the couple was given a citation which clocks $100 dollars per day for failure to remove or cover the slur.

Since then, the NAACP has stepped in to condemn the city's response, issuing a statement agreeing with the couple's words towards police by saying "And in fact, that’s what the Stamford police asked them to do. They were requested to take the sign down... and to just act normal, like nothing happened.” In response, the city noted that an investigation will now be taking place.
