Alt-right rabble rouser Milo Yiannopoulos took a chance by taking up Bill Maher's invitation to join him before his liberal HBO audience on Friday, February 17, and as was to be expected, found himself being challenged on his bigoted speech. Yiannopoulos sat across from a panel consisting of Georgia congressman Jack Kingston, former counter intelligence officer Malcolm Nance, and comedian Larry Wilmore, and of the three, it was Wilmore who fired the first and last shot at the Breitbart editor, telling him to "F" himself, twice.

After being presented with statements he's made in regards to the bathroom controversy regarding transgender citizens, Yiannopoulos defended his stance by insisting that they suffer from a "psychiatric disorder" and cannot be trusted around children. Before he could get too comfortable badgering the trans community though, Wilmore spoke out, suggesting that Yiannopoulos do his homework on how the same language has historically been used against the gay community. Yiannopoulos attempted to draw distinctions between the transgender and gay community, while continuing to insult transgender people, at one point posing that they are "vastly disproportionately involved with sex crimes."

Things began to heat up when Nance stepped into the exchange by questioning how sure Yiannopoulos is in his own identity, and inferring that he may be suffering from the very disorder he supposes trans people do. At one point during the back and forth Yiannopoulos asked that Maher invite guests with higher IQ's onto his show. The comment prompted Wilmore to go off. “You can go f**k yourself, alright,” he said, before defending Nance's IQ level. “If your argument is that these people are stupid, then you didn’t hear a word this man said. He can talk circles around your pathetic, douchey little ass.”

Wilmore would slam Yiannopoulos again moments later, after bringing up insults Yiannopoulos made towards fellow comedian Leslie Jones, which got him banned from Twitter last year. "Leslie Jones is not barely literate. Go f**k yourself again for that one," he said.
