The son of a newly elected congressman stole the moment, when he set into the motion of a dab as his father was being sworn into the House of Representatives on Tuesday, January 3.

It was a special day for Kansas obstetrician Roger Marshall, as he was called upon to take an oath of office in the company of his family and new colleagues in the government. As cameras snapped, he stood, raising his right hand as his left rested on a bible hoisted up by his 17-year-old boy Cal. What he hadn't noticed as he smiled across from House Speaker Paul Ryan, was that his son had selected the moment to goof around; bending his elbow and lowering his face into the crook of his arm in the likeness of Migos, Cam Newton, and others who turned the move into a fad over the past two years.

Ryan appeared to misunderstand the teen's gesture in video of the instance, encouraging him to lower his arm and seemingly having assumed that he was attempting to sneeze.
