Killer Mike is tired of black people calling for revolution and exploded on the crowd at the All Black National Convention this week when the topic was brought up.

The rapper and activist started his tirade by asking everyone present in the crowd if they knew how to hunt, grow their own food, and fight in hand-to-hand combat. The response was underwhelming. Mike explained that these things are needed if they truly want to start a revolution. “You ain’t ready to oppose nothing. You are as a part of this system as any white person gentrified in this city. And you can’t tell me I don’t know what I’m talking about. Black people, I love you, and I love you enough to tell you, you ain’t ready to revolt sh*t. You don’t feed yourself. You don’t hunt your own animals. You don’t prep your own meat. You don’t own your own land. You don’t have a seed growing in your window. So when you think about [being a revolutionary] when you think about fighting and dying in the street. You ain’t sh*t if you can’t feed your family.”

Mike said he’s been hearing older black man push the revolutionary talk on him all of his life. And although he believes in the cause, he thinks that the older generation is trying to push the younger people to fight their war because they are too scared to buck the system in which they are ingrained in. Mike compared them to the military that sends young men off to war to die. “We not ready to fight. ‘You say fight the police.’ The police are trained to shoot. They are trained in martial combat. We’re not. What are we gonna do to them?” he said. “If you’re not training every week. If you’re not shooting every week. If you’re not knowing how to grow your own food. Arguing with me and arguing with the police ain’t gonna do nothing.” Mike believes the black institutions and professionals need to step up and support the cause. He also thinks infiltrating the system is a better path to transformation.
