Lt. Brian Rice was found not guilty in the death of Baltimore man Freddie Gray. Judge Barry Williams ruled that the charges brought against Officer Rice were not able to be proven beyond a reasonable doubt. Once Rice was acquitted, it was speculated that the remaining charges against the other officers were also going to be dismissed.

According to recent reports, during the beginning of Officer Garrett Miller's trial, prosecutors on the Freddie Gray case announced that they, in fact, were going to drop all of the remaining charges against the three police officers that accused of Gray's death. Catherine Flynn, Miller's attorney stated,"All of our clients are thrilled with what happened today, and we'll be making a comment later to address the details of what happened."

The charges were dropped based on it being unlikely to convict the remaining officers following the acquittal of three other officers in similar cases tried by Judge Barry Williams, the Judge ruling over the remaining trials. Officer William Porter was one of the officers involved in the Gray incident, and his previous trial ended in a mistrial this past December. Porter was scheduled to be re-tried in September 2016 while another officer involved -- Sgt. Alicia White was scheduled to be tried in October 2016.
