Andrew Schulz gets in a debate with DJ Vlad about which Michael Jackson album is a classic and if Nas' Illmatic was his only classic album. Though DJ Vlad only thinks Jackson's best album was Thriller, the comedian disagrees and tells him that the legend had multiple timeless albums. "Bad, Thriller, Off The Wall" he listed to DJ Vlad, "Obviously Triller's the best."

As for Nas' Illmatic vs. Stillmatic, the Brilliant Idiots personality agrees that the Queens native has horrible beat selections despite having top lyrical content. Schulz gave an example of a bride dressing her bridesmaids in awful gowns in order to be the center of attention, "Maybe he doesn't want a dope beat because he's the star of the album." The debate then addressed Illmatic's production being chosen by a team versus the rapper himself, "He didn't get to choose that s***. Like his first album he has to take advice from producers, but once you become Nas, the famous rapper that doesn't have to listen to anybody then you can choose your own beats."