Donald Trump threatens to press charges and ruin the lives of protesters who crash his rallies. A day after a massive crowd forced Trump to cancel his Chicago rally, he told his supporters in Kansas City that he would end it by taking legal action. "I hope these guys get thrown into a jail," Trump said. "They'll never do it again, it'll destroy their record. They'll have to explain to mom and dad why they have a police record and why they can't get a job. And you know what, I'm gonna start pressing charges against all these people. And then we won't have a problem."

Backtracking his previous statement, the Republican presidential candidate said that he doesn't want to ruin people's lives, but wants them to stop the "craziness". He told his fans, "They're probably good kids. I don't want to ruin people's lives. But the only way we're gonna stop this craziness is if we press charges. Because then their lives are gonna be ruined, they're gonna know their lives are gonna be ruined. So I'll just tell you folks, from now on, if you do anything, we're pressing charges, okay?"

Source: Youtube