Director Tyler Perry has come to the defense of Bobbi Kristina, demanding respect and privacy for the 22-year-old who is currently in hospice care.

Perry took to Facebook Friday morning while visiting the daughter of his long time friends, Bobby Brown and the late Whitney Houston. Brown was also at the Atlanta hospice with Bobbi Kristina. Since being discovered face down in her bathtub in January, Kristina  was hospitalized and later moved to hospice care in June. She's also faced a slew of media attention with death rumors and paparazzi surrounding the hospice.

Perry demanded respect for the family and urged the media to back off the family.

"I couldn't help but think about all that she must have dreamed for her child," he said. "I know this was not her dream... And as difficult as this time is for the people that love both Whitney and Krissi, what makes it more egregious is the blatant disrespect, lies, and ignorance that are rapidly printed in this awful time."

He also called for peace for Kristina and the other families in the hospice. Paparazzi took photos of a tent around the back of the hospice, heightening death rumors. Another photo was shopped around to the media of Kristina on her hospice bed.

"May I ask you all to please show some decency and respect?," he said. "Not only to Krissi's family, but also to the other families that are there in this place. Not only is Krissi at the center but there are several other families who are grieving the loss of their loved ones at the same time. It's heartbreaking to think that even in a time like this, this child is still not allowed any peace. I assure you, the family will issue an official statement if something changes. Until then, can we just pray for Krissi, and the Houston and Brown families?"

Check out his full post above.

Source: Instagram | Photo Credit: Splash News