Amid all of the constant discussions revolving around the Dizaster vs Math Hoffa fight at KOTD's BOLA 5 event, the one person who has remained fairly silent and has chosen his words carefully is none other than Math Hoffa himself.  After the footage from the fight went viral, Math took to Instagram to show off his unmarked face, even after being attacked by Dizaster and ultimately jumped by Diz and multiple Grape Street Crips.  Dizaster has since gone on to let the world know that he will fight Math in a legit 1-on-1 setting if they can arrange it to take place inside of a boxing ring, or do a UFC style MMA fight in an octagon in front of cameras and for money.

Dizaster has been talking about the fight frequently on Twitter by either arguing with fans, fellow battlers, mainstream Hip-Hop artists, or simply stating his opinion on how things went down.  With all of the talking going on, Math has taken notice to Dizaster's words and expressed his opinions on the matter on Twitter earlier today, June 30th.  Math stated that Dizaster actually refused to fight him 1-on-1 while Math was still out in Cali.  He also touched on how some fans believe this to be karma coming back to haunt Math, and how he doesn't respect Dizaster or his people for jumping in.  Diz caught wind of what Math had to say and went in on Twitter spewing out loads of trash talk about how he will beat him up again.

Check out the ongoing Math vs Dizaster drama above.  Do you think Math and Dizaster will be able to settle their differences without resorting to violence, or is the situation past politics?