Kim Kardashian was under fire after allegedly posting photoshopped pictures of her and Blac Chyna on her Instagram page, but the reality star didn't let the negative press hurt her image as she stepped out in public wearing a curve hugging outfit. It seemed that Kim was giving the world a subliminal message with her outfit, as she had on a low cut tank top and form fitting skirt that showed off her true form.

Photo production expert Devon Talbert spoke to about the validity of Kim's recent photo, saying "Based on what I've seen, I'd have to say these photos were manipulated. I did ask myself why Kim would go through all the trouble of importing her photo to photoshop to tweak it and then repost it as an Instagram. But then again, there are so many photo phone apps that I guess you're only a few swipes and pinch away from the perfect body [at all times]!"

Instagram star Peeje T. added, "You can definitely see a gap [in the door] at the same level as Kim's chest. This would be caused by using a tool to expand her breasts. There also seems to be a more subtle distortion on the floor. You might notice how it follows the same contortion as Kim's waist and hips."

Source: iDesignTimes

Photo Credit: Splash News