Famed urban model Jenna Shea put Louisville's Peyton Siva on blast for texting and calling her just after his team won the National Championship by defeating the Michigan Wolverines 82-76. After the game Siva thanked God, his family and his girlfriend, which prompted Jenna to expose text and Instagram messages he had sent her. 

While posting screen shots of the messages Peyton had sent her, Jenna also gave full commentary on her Twitter page. 

"Wait peypeysiva @charlie2kool has a girlfriend but he calling and texting me???"

"More from peypeysiva thankin his girlfriend but hitting me up LOL"

Even worse, Jenna left Peyton's full phone number on the images, and it was reported that he received 580 text messages and 196 missed calls after the game. 

Hit the above slide to see the images: 

Source: windycityiggy.sportsblog.com