After putting on an incredible performance during President Obama's inauguration, wild allegations have sprung forward claiming that Beyonce lip-synched her entire performance of "The Star Spangled Banner."  It's the New York Post who's come forward with the allegations, and Page six has claimed that they have confirmation of her lip-synching the entire time.  

According to Page Six, a representative for the United States Marine Band, Kristin DuBois, has confirmed that Beyonce decided to lip-synch the performance at the last minute.  

"All music is pre-recorded for the ceremony because there are so many eventualities and conditions that day.    We performed, live, the band. But we received last-minute word that Beyonce was going to use the pre-recorded vocal track. Those were the instructions we were given. We don't know what the reason why."

We'll have to wait to hear any word from Beyonce to see if she will confirm or deny any truths to these claims.