Evelyn Lozada's recent accusations of Chad Johnson's domestic violence aren't the first time he has been involved in this type of incident. According to TMZ, Johnson was found guilty of domestic battery back in February of 2000 before he began his football career at Oregon State University.

A source close to this 12-year-old case says that the victim was Johnson's girlfriend at the time. According to court records, Chad Johnson accused her of cheating on him. His anger led him to slap her, which is why she called the police. Johnson, who was only 22 during this incident, pled no contest and was found guilty of domestic battery by the court.

He was handed three years probation and ordered to serve 45 days in a Los Angeles County jail, but he was able to skip time served after an agreement with the court was reached. He had to complete 30 days of graffiti removal and attend a month-long counseling program. But he was given 15 more days of graffiti labor while he was a member of the Cincinnati Bengals after it was discovered that he didn't complete his initial probation duties. He finalized his probation in 2002.

Source: tmz.com